Mermail Deck too good?

I know that the new trend is Mermail and Fire Fist, but I don’t really find Fire Fist to be overpowered, sure it has many search cards and good effects, but I’ve never had Tiger King lock me down yet.

As for Mermails, that deck seems WAY too overpowered, and I mean like 3 times more powerful than any other deck out there. It easily and constantly summons 2400 and 2700 beaters, and is super consistent. What more could you want from a deck? I’ve lost horribly to them.

And then they have the level 3 1500 attacker that when it dies, they get another beater from their deck, which would be reasonable, except it’s destroyed by battle OR card effect! Pretty much the only ways to counter it are Dark End Dragon (for a dark specific deck), or Dimensional Prison. Maybe Solemn Warning if that somehow negates it’s effect in the grave, but I doubt SW negates it.

Is there a counter to Mermails? I can’t think of one, but there may be one (Macro Cosmos/D-Fissure???). Mermails just seem way to good. I’ve been playing Yugioh for 9 years, and out of all the decks I’ve seen, Mermail seems way too overpowered, even compared to the Dragon Exodia deck – negate one of their draw cards, they are probably stuck for a turn or two. The Dragon Exodia deck is pretty much an auto win. Dunno why no one plays it anymore :P.

I am sorta raging over Mermails, too me they are the most overpowered deck ever, unless Cosmos/D-Fissure counters them easily, then they are not at all overpowered XD. Tell me what you think of the Mermail deck. Is it overpowered? Are there counters to it? If it has no counters, it is definately going to get hit September, so I shouldn’t worry too much about them XD.

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