Overpowered Decks in YGO?

There are lots of talk that decks are “overpowered” in Yugioh, and that they are not fair. I will show you a different approach when looking at overpowered decks.

Think about it this way: If Konami doesn’t make overpowered decks, no competitive player would buy the new cards since they can be competitive with the older cards, thus making Konami lose money and go out of business after literally a few new pack releases. Overpowered decks or not, it’s still the same game, and all decks have their counters whether the deck is more consistent than the counters or not.

It is possible to beat any deck with almost any deck, with the right amount of skill and siding well. Many players don’t side well enough, which could be a major reason why the same deck keeps winning. The side deck is a great tool, use it to your advantage and counter those overpowered decks. Learn them and how to beat them, because believe me if you know the deck, you will know it’s weaknesses, and all decks have weaknesses.

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